On November 10, CHILDREN AT RISK and its Texas Education Center partners hosted the TEC Summit: Advancing Quality, Innovation, and Collaboration in Our Schools. The event was packed full of speakers and panelists who inspired the audience to consider out-of-the-box solutions to today’s most pressing educational issues.

Throughout the day, attendees and co-sponsors were encouraged to participate in the “Two Cents for Change” initiative, which allowed participants to put in their two cents and contribute ideas for education reform. At the end of the day, everyone’s ideas were compiled into a master list of “Things YOU Can Do to Advance Education Reform.” Sample ideas include:

#3: Read with your children every day.

#9: Join or organize a PTA at your local school.

#17: Help students discover career options by taking on summer interns at your place of work.

#21: Write a letter to a tenth grader, and ask them to write back.

#31: Offer to assist students with their college applications.

This list is tailored to various stakeholders in the education reform conversation and focuses on practical action steps. The full list of “Things YOU Can Do to Advance Education Reform” contains 31 ideas…one for each day of the month!