Attend an Event
C@R frequently hosts educational programs, policy briefings, and fundraising events. Visit the page for upcoming opportunities.
Talk to an Expert
C@R issue experts love sharing their work with the community. Request a speaker for community events, meetings, or just to learn more about children’s issues in Texas.
Work with Us
C@R offers flexible internship opportunities year round. Visit the Jobs and Internships page for open opportunities or contact a staff member.
Stay Informed
Receive emails for timely notifications of local and statewide opportunities to contact your policymakers and urge them to improve the quality of life for Texas’ children.
Volunteer Opportunities
- Volunteer your skills or service – C@R is always looking for assistance with Communications, Design, Printing/Production, Social Media, Video Production etc.
- Host a House Party or “Friendraiser” to introduce additional individuals to our organizations.
- Become a C@R Ambassador – Commit to inviting a group of people to our First Mondays Happy Hours; following us on Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter) and sharing our posts and events; and writing/editing blogs or op-eds related to C@R’s research and work.
Human Trafficking:
- Encourage your company to join the Human Trafficking Prevention Business Partnership Program.
- Train to participate in C@R Cyber Patrols to fight human trafficking demand online.
- If you are an attorney or law student, offer pro bono legal support for Project AWESOME (Attorneys Working to End Sexually Oriented Massage Establishments) cases with legal research and advocacy.
- Request a Human Trafficking Bus Tour for your organization or company.
- Sign up for our Advocacy Alerts and help advocate for policy changes that will impact children.
- Visit, contact, and/or provide testimony to legislators during the next Legislative Session.
- Join us during one of our Advocacy Days in Austin during the next Legislative Session.
- Visit Greater Houston/Dallas City Halls to provide Council Members and their staff with information about our work (Training and materials will be provided).
Parenting & Family Well-Being:
- Engage with us online at TexasSchoolGuide.org or SmartParents.org.
- Serve on our Smartparents.org Parent Advisory Board.
- Assist at parent workshops we conduct with partners, or transport parents to the workshops.
- Volunteer with your team at our Summer Resource Fairs.
Public Education:
- Are you a parent of a child birth to 18? Consider participating in focus groups for our researchers.
- Does your child attend a Gold Ribbon School? Share your experiences with us.
Health and Nutrition:
- Volunteer to partner with a Summer Meal outreach location to provide activities (ex. games) to draw more kids to participate in summer feeding.
- Help expand outreach and partnerships by joining your local district’s School Health Advisory Council on behalf of C@R.
- Volunteer at one of our signature Special Events: Spring Party (Houston), Golf Tournament (Houston), Night In Gala (Dallas), and Accolades Luncheon (Houston).
- Volunteer at one of our Program Events: Children’s Summit, Health Summit, Human Trafficking Summit and Bus Tours, School Rankings and School Guide Release Events, among others.
- Attend our monthly “First Mondays at Americas” Happy Hour at Americas River Oaks.
For more information on engagement and volunteer opportunities, please email info@childrenatrisk.org