Perspectives from a VISTA

The great thing about the evolution of the internet is the connectivity and communication we have access to. I can know instantly what is happening on the other side of the world through live tweets, YouTube videos, and Facebook posts. Any person can determine what is...

Children’s Surge Press Conference

CHILDREN AT RISK hosted a press conference last Thursday to address the surge of unaccompanied minor children entering the United States. The message was simple: This is not an immigration issue; this is a child safety issue. CHILDREN AT RISK’s CEO, Dr. Robert...

Summer Meal Programs

For children, summertime should mean friends and fun. However, for children who rely on school meals for their primary nutrition, summer can be a time of uncertainty about where and when they’ll have access to nutritious meals. The Summer Food Service Program is part...

Hero of the Month – June 2014

Kate Champion and Marcy Kurtz Bracewell & Giuliani   Tell us a little bit about how you originally became involved with CHILDREN AT RISK? Kate: I joined the Law Advisory Board of CHILDREN AT RISK in the summer of 2013 due to my interest in the anti-human...

Spring Legal Fellowship Re-Cap

Thanks to the Dallas Association of Young Lawyers (DAYL) Foundation, the CHILDREN AT RISK North Texas office hosted a legal intern over the past 4 months. Ashley Teague, a second-year law student at Southern Methodist University, was selected to conduct research on...