The Children’s Immigration Network is CHILDREN AT RISK’s effort to focus on children of immigrants. Our vision is for the state of Texas to offer a welcoming environment for immigrants and refugees where children of immigrants can integrate and access the resources they need to learn, grow and thrive. While the diversity of our immigrant community enriches our state, it also adds complexity to the strategies needed to address their varied needs.


By: Linda Corchado, Senior Director of the Children’s Immigration Network

Much has changed in the past 45 days when it comes to immigration law. Those changes reverberate across our schools and communities and are also taking a deep toll on our children across Texas. In a state where nearly half of Texas’ 7 million children live with at least one immigrant parent, how couldn’t more of our children be experiencing higher levels of stress, anxiety, depression and fear. They fear they’ll have a negative encounter with law enforcement, be it at their schools, their school bus stop or while walking with their parents to get a haircut. They also fear the worst, that their family may be ripped apart from them, changing the trajectory of their lives instantaneously. To make matters worse, the public is becoming more aware of incidents of bullying related to immigration stigma across our classrooms, putting Hispanic children at the center of attacks.

Here at the Children’s Immigration Network, we took a moment this week with our key partners across the state to discuss these concerning trends. Experts discussed how bullying can have a pervasive impact on the development of children and their well-being. They also highlighted how prevention techniques in school are effective, from peer learning in group discussions to information outreach with parents – schools can be a powerful catalyst for change.

Finally, our ultimate call to action is much more personal, what happens in our homes, how we think and what we say about vulnerable families in our communities has a deep impact on children. Children model our behavior. But we also have the power to stop it and change the course. We may feel defeated by a sense of hatred in our communities, creating an environment of hopelessness or we can resist animosity and instead model strength and healing for our children. Ultimately, what we do in our homes, how we think and our own prejudices impact how children shape their own opinions and mentality about themselves. While schools must remain accountable, we must also do the same.

Advocates Gather to Call and End to Immigration Stigma and Bullying Press Call


A growing challenge in our Texas classrooms is chronic absenteeism, which occurs when students miss at least 10% of the school year. Since the pandemic, rates have nearly doubled, impacting literacy, high school graduation, and college enrollment. For Emergent Bilingual /English Learner (EB/EL) students, the data tells a different story. These students are more engaged, with chronic absenteeism rates at 22%, versus 26% for non-EB/EL peers in some key areas like the Greater Houston Region. 

This engagement presents an opportunity. Title III funding supports EB/EL learners with language instruction and academic resources, which play a crucial role in student success. Districts that effectively allocate these funds see stronger outcomes in TELPAS scores and overall academic performance. However, despite a 49% increase in EB/EL enrollment since 2013, Title III funding has only grown by 43%, creating a gap that could limit progress. 

To build on the strengths of EB/EL students, Texas must invest in bilingual educators, expand targeted interventions, and make full use of federal funding. These students are showing up, and our policies and resources should meet them there. Our report celebrates strength-based approaches being utilized by educators across our state as our Texas teachers lead in this important mission.


We recently heard from Jenifer Wolf Williams, the Executive Director at H.O.M.E., a Texas based non-profit which helps document accounts of human rights abuses and trauma, serving as expert witnesses in immigration proceedings. She spoke of the risk of detention, separation, and instability that many children of immigrants are experiencing right now, which creates severe distress and trauma that can have long-term psychological and medical consequences.

Jenifer shared the following advice: However, research is clear: a trusted adult can make a difference. Your presence, support, and reassurance help children build resilience. Here are some key ways to support them:

    • Reassure them truthfully – Let them know they are not alone, and that people care about them

    • Listen and validate – Take their fears seriously and encourage them to share their thoughts.

    • Keep explanations simple – Short, honest answers at their level of understanding are best.

    • Normalize emotions – Let them know their feelings are valid and others feel the same.

    • Maintain routines – Stability and predictability bring comfort in uncertain times.

    • Create a safety plan – Talk through what to do in an emergency.

    • Take care of yourself too – Self-care is essential for both adults and children.

Your support can be a lifeline for these children. Together, we can help them feel safe, heard, and resilient.



The Texas Immigration Law Council has organized a working group for organizations and individuals working at the intersection of immigration and education in Texas. Our initial primary objective is to create a comprehensive packet of information for K-12 schools in Texas with various materials relating to immigration issues affecting students, staff, and families.

We are currently seeking out folks who would like to contribute materials and have created a sign-up sheet for various topics here. If someone is interested in creating or sharing materials on a given topic, they can sign up on this sheet to tackle the materials for the given subject matter.  

The group meets every two weeks. The next meeting is this Tuesday, March 11th at 2pm CT.  


With shifting policies and widespread misinformation, understanding immigration law is more urgent than ever. This virtual training hosted by Educators 4 Excellence and ImmSchools will equip you with the knowledge and tools to protect the rights of immigrant students—in schools and beyond.

During this training, educators can learn key federal, state, and local policies impacting immigrant students, get practical tools to create a safe and supportive learning environment, and connect with other educators committed to student advocacy.

***Two trainings available: March 10 & March 19.