Anna Hardway

Anna Hardway

Chief Programs Officer

About Anna 

Anna Hardway is a 20-year educator and an expert on strategic organizational support. Anna taught public schools in rural America for 10 years. She directed home visiting, afterschool and summer programs in WV, SC, and AL for Save the Children over the past 9 years.  She worked with WV and SC State Collaboratives for Early Learning, State Departments of Educational and dozens of school districts. Since 2008, she has been an expert reviewer with WebbAlign on the topics of assessment alignment and state accountability.  Also, with Save the Children, Anna has worked with high need populations in the wake of natural disasters to restore Child Care, Early Education and Out-of-School Time programs.  Anna is a graduate of West Virginia University, Marshall University Graduate College, and Salem International University with a BA in Elementary Education (K-8), an MA in Reading Specialty (PK-AD) and various educational and organizational leadership certifications. 

She and her husband reside in Montgomery. They have two adult children and love renovating homes.