Your generous DONATION of $12 will help to raise awareness of child sex trafficking, build unified community collaboration and action to help support local efforts, and advocate for decreased demand and increased protection of victims to ensure that every 12 year old has a childhood.

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Official 12 for 12 Video

What is the 12 for 12 Campaign?

In 2012, CHILDREN AT RISK is asking anti-child trafficking supporters to give $12 for 12 year olds. The average age of entrance into prostitution is 12 years old, making it one of the most horrendous issues facing our youth today. Your $12 will go directly to the efforts of CHILDREN AT RISK’s Center to End the Trafficking and Exploitation of Children (CETEC) and is a commitment from the donor to join the 12 for 12 Campaign.

The 12 for 12 Campaign is meant to raise money and awareness to end child sex trafficking, support survivors, and educate and empower the community to become advocates. As a member of the 12 for 12 Campaign, supporters will receive monthly emails updating them on victories in the field, atrocities being committed, and solutions they can participate in. The Campaign will also offer several events throughout the year and volunteer opportunities. Overall, the 12 for 12 Campaign has the goal of empowering advocates to become experts on the issue of child sex trafficking so that they can be a part of the solution and inform others of an issue often overlooked.

What can I do in the fight against child sex trafficking?

CHILDREN AT RISK and the CETEC volunteers hosted the 12 for 12 Campaign launch party where the official Campaign video was launched on December 12, 2011. The video showcases the impact one person can have and is meant to encourage others to be a part of the movement! Join us in the 12 for 12 Campaign by making your own short YouTube video! By encouraging friends, coworkers, and family to join the Campaign as well, CHILDREN AT RISK hopes to make this chain a videos go viral.

Making your own video is simple! First, tell us what you were doing at the age of 12 -playing outside, fond memories with friends, sports, and so on. Then reflect on what you did not have to do when you were 12 – worry about where you were going to sleep, wonder if you were going to eat, fear being sold on the streets at night, etc. Finally, encourage your friends to join the 12 for 12 Campaign and tell them why you are passionate about being a part of the solution.

Click here to visit the CHILDREN AT RISK Channel!

The 12 for 12 Campaign is also dedicated to keeping a finger on the pulse of human trafficking and will be updating all Campaign members on volunteer opportunties, letter writing campaigns, any Human Trafficking Awareness Month activities, victories achieved by CETEC and other anti-human trafficking efforts, and more.

Finally, the best way to further the goal of preventing child sex trafficking is to tell your friends and family! Your passion as an advocate and the knowledge you gain can be shared with others to create a wildfire of information and a chain reaction that political leaders and community leaders cannot ignore.

Why Should I Support the 12 for 12 Campaign?

According to the Department of Justice, it is estimated that about 293,000 American youth are at risk of becoming victims of human trafficking. The majority of American victims of commercial sexual exploitation tend to be runaway and throw away youth who are introduced to a pimp/trafficker within 48 hours of leaving home.

Astoundingly, the average entrance age in to sex trafficking in the United States is 12 years old. The 12 for 12 Campaign is designed to bring this horrible statistic to the forefront of the community by encouraging individuals to raise awareness through interactive media and word-of-mouth.

Click here to learn more about CETEC!

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