Thanks to the Dallas Association of Young Lawyers (DAYL) Foundation, the CHILDREN AT RISK North Texas office hosted a legal intern over the past 4 months. Ashley Teague, a second-year law student at Southern Methodist University, was selected to conduct research on legal issues surrounding children, primarily in the areas of human trafficking and juvenile justice. This was our first legal fellowship that was sponsored by the DAYL Foundation, and we are so grateful for their generous support for this program.

Along with her sunny personality and great sense of humor, Ashley brought to the position a history of working on issues surrounding human trafficking and a knack for legal research and writing. Over the course of her internship, Ashley completed 6 major projects, including working on an amicus brief, contributing to 3 issues (February, March, and April) of the National Anti-Trafficking Initiative’s monthly newsletter, and helping our staff attorney prepare for our legal fellows for the upcoming Summer Institute in the Houston office. She also started our initial work on this year’s Texas Anti-Human Trafficking Summit, which will be held this October in Dallas. Ashley’s support in a number of projects kept our office running smoothly throughout her time with our organization, and she even connected us with a law student group at SMU that raised money for CHILDREN AT RISK through a fun run 5k on campus!

Our North Texas office is so grateful for all of Ashley’s hard work, and can’t wait to see where she will be changing the lives of children when she graduates from law school next year! Thanks again to the DAYL Foundation for your sponsorship of this program!