Charting Success
Evaluating the Classroom Experiences of Children of Immigrants in Texas
Our children are charting a new course for America. They are at the leading edge of the nation’s growing diversity. Approximately 53% of the U.S. population under age 18 belonged to a minority group in 2020, compared to 39% of the population over age 18 . English language learners are among the fastest growing student populations in the country and in Texas, they amount to nearly a quarter of the student population. By 2050, the Pew Research Center projects immigrants and their children will account for 34% of the population, a projection that is largely contingent on how our immigration policy shifts in the coming years.
Approaching this diversity in our Texas classrooms with a strengths-based approach is critical to propel our economy forward. Let’s focus on the strengths that emergent bilingual students, English language learners and children of immigrants bring to our schools. After al, the U.S. economy could be $8 trillion larger by 2050 if the country eliminated racial disparities in several sectors of our society, including our schools. Powerful change begins in our Texas classrooms.
The reality is that in Texas, the odds are stacked against our students. They face pervasive teacher shortages and underfunded schools. Texas is measured as a “medium level fiscal effort state” but spends only 3.45% on K-12 public schools. Despite these odds, it is Texas educators who are doubling down to improve outcomes for all students. Our report provides a special focus on how children of immigrants are faring in our classrooms across the state, using our unique methodology to determine whether districts meet and exceed expectations or need improvement. Beyond the data, we strive to provide a deeper understanding of the classroom experience through the perspectives of multilingual directors across the state.
This publication is intended to inform stakeholders, advocates and policy makers on the challenges facing our children as well as the opportunities and winning strategies being leveraged by educators across the state. While the lives of children of immigrants are often politicized, it is our educators and advocates who are charting a better course. They welcome students and ensure that all students are equipped with the tools for success. We celebrate their efforts and hope this publication also serves as a powerful tool for educators across the country embarking on this urgent mission.
Get Involved
The Children’s Immigration Network is CHILDREN AT RISK’s effort to focus on children of immigrants. Our vision is for the state of Texas to offer a welcoming environment for immigrants and refugees where children of immigrants can integrate and access the resources they need to learn, grow and thrive. While the diversity of our immigrant community enriches our state, it also adds complexity to the strategies needed to address their varied needs.
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Questions? Contact us at info@childrenatrisk.org.