Children’s Immigration Network

For All Children

An estimated 17 million immigrant children live in the United States,
including US citizen children with documented immigrant parents, US citizen children
with undocumented immigrant parents, Dreamers, and undocumented minors.

Children live in Texas

Are Immigrant Children

are undocumented

Children’s Immigration Network

Immigration is the foundation of our country. Texas has the second largest immigrant population in the country comprising 17.2% of our population. Immigrant children and children of immigrants will encompass a large share of our future workforce, both in Texas and the nation. C@R launched the Children’s Immigration Network to research best practices on how to support children from immigrant and refugee communities and reduce barriers to the services and public benefits all children in the United States are entitled.

The U.S. Census Bureau defines an immigrant child as a child born outside of the United States. Relatively few children become part of the U.S. population by moving here; most are born here and are United States citizens. As of 2022, only 7.6% of children living in Harris County were born outside of the United States. C@R defines immigrant children more broadly as all first- and second- generation immigrant children, including those in mixed status households, with temporary protected status, undocumented children, and refugee children. 1 in 3 Texas children fall under this definition. This is a large, diverse group of children who face a number of challenges including language access, access to quality education, health care and other social services, and also often encounter discrimination and bias based on their immigration status or that of their families.


Our vision is for the state of Texas to offer a welcoming environment forimmigrants and refugees where immigrant children can easily integrate andaccess the resources they need to learn, thrive, and succeed. While the diversityof the immigrant community enriches our state, it also adds complexity to thestrategies needed to address their varied needs. To this end, C@R will use ourtools of research, collaboration and advocacy to:


  1. Reduce barriers that immigrant children encounter accessing education, healthcare, and support services.
  2. Depoliticize the lives of immigrant children through strategic public discourse.
  3. Increase bipartisan legislative support for policies that protect the rights of immigrant children.

Research & Resources

Rational Middle Media is an award-winning collaborative that takes on important and controversial topics to drive throughful conversations. Their objective is to bring facts to the public through mediums of documentary film, the written word, podcasts, and social media. 

Check out more resources from one of our partners, The Rational Middle. These episodes below provide an in-depth look at a avariety of issues impacting immigrant children and families. 


Episode 11: Children of Immigrants – The American Promise

“Children are the future of any society. One in every four children in America are immigrants themselves or children of immigrants. In order to build a more robust economy and society, a more inclusive future, we must address the impacts of immigration policy on them and their families.”

Episode 12: Educating Immigrants – Building the Future Workforce

“It is the law that every child has a right to a K-12 education in America. However, having a right to an education and having a quality education free of the stresses of discrimination, fear, and with future opportunity are very different things.”

As a way to increase Latino parent and family engagement as well as provide parents and caregivers with important information on several issues facing Texas children, CHILDREN AT RISK collaborated to create videos to share with parents and caregivers. These videos are intended to help educate parents and caregivers on challenging topics and strategies for how to address these challenges with their children. These videos cover a range of topics from the COVID-19 vaccine, mental health, DACA, and safety on social media. 

“¿Cómo encuentro una guardería confiable y segura para mi hijo?”: Sigue estos consejos de Children at Risk | How do I find a reliable and safe daycare for my child?

¿Cómo elegir una guardería en Texas? Sigue estos consejos de Children at Risk antes de tomar una decisión | How to choose a daycare in Texas?

¿Qué es el ‘Sexting’ y por qué es tan importante que los padres de familia lo hablen con sus hijos? Te explicamos | What is sexting?

Consejos de Children at Risk para tratar la ansiedad de tu hijo en este regreso a clases | Tips to manage your child’s anxiety this school year

¿Cómo hablar con tus hijos sobre los peligros de Internet? Children at Risk tiene consejos para ti | How to talk to your kids about the dangers of the internet? Children At Risk has advice for you

¿Por qué es tan importante la educación de un niño en sus primeros tres años? Children at Risk responde | Why is education so important in the first 3 years? Children At Risk responds

Confianza y supervisión: cómo evitar que los menores de edad sean víctimas de las redes sociales en Houston | Confidence and supervision: how to avoid young children being victims of social media in Houston

¿Sufre tu hijo de ansiedad en este regreso a clases? Una experta te dice cómo lo puedes ayudar | Does your child suffer from anxiety in their return to school?

2024 C@R Special Events

Special Eventsconvening for change Every dollar donated helps us improve the lives of Texas children. CHILDREN AT RISK is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization (EIN: 76-0360533). Contributions are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.  It is with immense...

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2024 Equity Tour

2024 Equity Tour

The Texas Equity Tour, slated for March and April 2024, is a pivotal event organized by CHILDREN AT RISK (C@R) to address systemic racism and its impact on Texas children and families. Rooted in the principles of racial equity, the tour serves as a platform to present...

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