Working together to build a brighter future for Harris County’s youngest learners.



The Early Learning Quality Network (ELQN) is excited to release Requests for Proposals (RFPs) and Small Purchases to engage local vendors in improving early care and education across Harris County. Project scopes include curriculum, materials, facilities, safety, and security, emergency care, technology support, and professional development. ELQN invites qualified organizations to apply and support this community-focused initiative. Details on RFPs, Small Purchases, application requirements, and selection criteria are available in the links below.

To submit complete applications, or if you have any key questions, please contact us at ELQNprocurement@childrenatrisk.org.

As part of the RFP process, the ELQN team will host pre-proposal conferences to ensure stakeholders have the resources needed to submit successful applications. Scroll down for the full timelines, or click the button above to access the latest pre-proposal conference recording.

Upcoming Pre-Proposal Conferences:

  • Tuesday, February 11th | Facility, Safety and Security + Technology for Child Care Centers

Register to receive credentials to attend the pre-proposal conference by sending an email to  ELQNprocurement@childrenatrisk.org by 4pm the day before each scheduled pre-proposal conference.




Issuance Date: November 18, 2024
Submission Deadline: December 18, 2024
Point of Contact: ELQNprocurement@childrenatrisk.org 

CHILDREN AT RISK has issued Addendum #1 to the Early Learning Kits and Materials RFQ. It is accessible via this link. Make sure to follow directions included in the RFP as it relates to acknowledgement of any RFP Addenda.


CHILDREN AT RISK (C@R) invites qualified offerors to submit quotes to develop and implement an initiative aimed at enhancing early care and education families with young children and providers of informal child care with developmentally appropriate learning materials. This program is funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), and all work must be completed by August 2026.


Information contained on this page is a summary of the details included in the full RFP documents. All interested parties are encouraged to download the PDF using the link above to access all details related to this RFP.

Scope of Services

Target Population

  • Households at 85% of State Median Income with young children within the designated Harris County zip codes (See Attachment #1).
  • Providers of the informal child care such as family, friend, and neighbor care and relative care within designated Harris County zip codes.

Key Tasks | General Information

  • Offeror shall perform the Scope of Services to the extent necessary (a) for the proper execution and completion of the Services under the Contract; (b) to supervise and direct the Services in a safe manner and perform all Services in accordance with the Contract, Applicable Law, Applicable Permits and Industry Standards; and (c) in conformance with the Contract Documents and the Requirements and such that the Services are in compliance with the Contract, Industry Standards, Applicable Codes, Applicable Laws and Applicable Permits.  
  • Offeror is responsible for identifying, coordinating, and conforming scope, requirements, and recommendations of assigned project(s) to meet legal and regulatory parameters/constraints, codes and applicable requirements set forth by agencies, including, but not limited to the State of Texas and any other local codes or agencies as they may apply.   
  • Offeror shall demonstrate the ability to provide all the services defined in this RFQ. Successful offeror awarded a Contract shall be responsible for identifying, preparing, and obtaining all documentation, coordination, plans, reports, forms, and any other necessary documentation pertaining to any assigned work required by Local, State, and Federal Agencies, Departments, Boards, and Commissions. Offeror awarded a Contract shall be responsible for supplying necessary reports, studies, and/or documentation (if applicable) to the agencies as required and provide responses to their comments, as necessary. 
  • Offeror will provide all personnel, materials, equipment, facilities, travel, and administrative oversight necessary to successfully execute the program. 
  • While it is not required for the offeror to be headquartered or have offices in the Houston region, the offeror must have the capability to provide on-site services as needed to fulfill the requirements outlined in the scope of work.
  • The offeror will provide appropriate staffing and oversight to ensure success of the initiative.
    • Establish a leadership team and staffing structure.  
    • Ensure staffing, policies, and procedures to oversee the program, monitor compliance with federal ARPA funding. 
    1. In partnership with C@R and Harris County, the offeror will establish key performance indicators for the work. 
    2. The offeror will track, store, and share required data and documentation including participant demographics and project records.
    3. The offeror will consult with C@R, Harris County and partner organizations to design and implement outreach efforts, ensuring equitable participation and language accessibility, with particular attention given to English, Spanish, and Vietnamese.
    4. The offeror will provide local information sessions to explain these opportunities to potential participants. 
    5. The offeror will create a tracking system for distribution of materials, including documentation of all expenses and technical assistance. 

    Outreach and Enrollment

    • The offeror will design and execute an application and enrollment process for eligible households and informal care providers.
      • The offeror will ensure beneficiaries provide sufficient evidence of need and eligibility.
      • The application should minimize risk for duplication of benefit.
      • The application should allow for eligible participants to specify age ranges and preferred language for materials kits.
      • The offeror will qualify applicants on a first-come-first-served basis.
      • The offeror will devise plans and approaches to outreach in partnership with C@R, Harris County, and other stakeholders.


    Materials Kits Criteria

    • The offeror will ensure that beneficiaries receive high-quality learning materials kits, appropriate for age ranges of 0-8, aligned to Texas early learning developmental guidelines. 
    • Materials kits may include toys, manipulatives, books, puzzles, and other resources to engage young learners. 
    • Materials kits should include activity guides for parents and caregivers to engage in playful learning activities with young children, as well as the materials to do so. 
    • As appropriate, materials should reflect ethnic, racial and other dimensions of diversity.
    • The offeror will ensure materials are high-quality, safe, and non-toxic.
    • Materials kits should be valued at approximately $300.


    Issuance Date: November 18, 2024
    Submission Deadline: December 13, 2024
    Point of Contact: ELQNprocurement@childrenatrisk.org 


    Information contained on this page is a summary of the details included in the full RFP documents. All interested parties are encouraged to download the PDF using the link above to access all details related to this RFP.

    Scope of Services

    Target Population

    • Regulated providers (including center-based, home-based, and relative care) serving subsidized children (Child Care Services)
    • Providers of informal child care such as family, friend, and neighbor care and relative care.

    Key Tasks | General Information

    • Offeror shall perform the Scope of Services to the extent necessary (a) for the proper execution and completion of the Services under the Contract; (b) to supervise and direct the Services in a safe manner and perform all Services in accordance with the Contract, Applicable Law, Applicable Permits and Industry Standards; and (c) in conformance with the Contract Documents and the Requirements and such that the Services are in compliance with the Contract, Industry Standards, Applicable Codes, Applicable Laws and Applicable Permits.  
    • Offeror is responsible for identifying, coordinating, and conforming scope, requirements, and recommendations of assigned project(s) to meet legal and regulatory parameters/constraints, codes and applicable requirements set forth by agencies, including, but not limited to the State of Texas and any other local codes or agencies as they may apply.   
    • Offeror shall demonstrate the ability to provide all the services defined in this RFQ. Successful offeror awarded a Contract shall be responsible for identifying, preparing, and obtaining all documentation, coordination, plans, reports, forms, and any other necessary documentation pertaining to any assigned work required by Local, State, and Federal Agencies, Departments, Boards, and Commissions. Offeror awarded a Contract shall be responsible for supplying necessary reports, studies, and/or documentation (if applicable) to the agencies as required and provide responses to their comments, as necessary. 
    • Offeror will provide all personnel, materials, equipment, facilities, travel, and administrative oversight necessary to successfully execute the program. 
    • While it is not required for the offeror to be headquartered or have offices in the Houston region, the offeror must have the capability to provide on-site services as needed to fulfill the requirements outlined in the scope of work.
    • The offeror will provide appropriate staffing and oversight to ensure success of the initiative.
    • In partnership with C@R and Harris County, the offeror will establish key performance indicators for the work. 
    • The offeror will track, store, and share required data and documentation including participant demographics and project records.
    • The offeror will consult with C@R, Harris County and partner organizations to design and implement outreach efforts, ensuring equitable participation and language accessibility, with particular attention given to English, Spanish, and Vietnamese.
    • The offeror will provide local information sessions to explain these opportunities to potential participants. 
    • The offeror will create a tracking system for distribution of materials, including documentation of all expenses and technical assistance. 


    Program Administration

    The offeror will partner with C@R and Harris County to create a public-facing program guidelines document, indicating the rules and procedures, for eligible providers to participate in the initiative.

      • The guidelines will include rules for maximum expenditures per child care operation, based on demand on and size of operation; however; no participant shall receive more than $20,000 in resources.
      • The offeror will design and execute an application and enrollment process for eligible participating child care operations
      • The offeror will solicit and receive applications for participation from eligible child care providers.
      • Application will include a needs assessment to specify the age groups and curriculum type desired. Applicants will detail their known curriculum needs. For example, the provider should be able to indicate whether a comprehensive curriculum for pre-k classrooms is needed or a STEM curriculum for 7-year old classrooms is needed or curriculum for home-based providers is needed.
      • The application should seek to minimize risk for duplication of benefit.
      • The offeror will provide application materials in English, Spanish, and, if possible, Vietnamese; the offeror will make all reasonable efforts to accommodate other language differences.
      • In response to the application, the offeror will provide limited consultation to providers to aid in selecting among curriculum options.
      • The offeror will develop and deploy a process to receive participant applications, provide limited consultation, process participant curriculum and materials orders, and deliver orders to participants.

    Provide Curriculum and Materials

    • The offeror will provide eligible participants with curriculum and materials options that support early learning in Center and home settings.
    • These options should, at minimum, should address the following specifications:
      • Appropriate for infant and toddler classrooms
      • Appropriate for pre-k classrooms
      • Appropriate for classrooms of children ages 5-8.
      • Where appropriate, aligned to the Texas Prekindergarten Early Learning Guidelines and the Texas Infant, Toddler, and Three-Year-Old Early Learning Guidelines. 
      • Support growth and development in early learning domains (Social-Emotional, Cognitive, Language, and Physical Development).
      • Available in English and Spanish, and if possible, Vietnamese.
      • Supplemental curricula for additional subjects, areas, and approaches such as STEAM, positive behavior approaches are welcomed. 
      • Materials must be high-quality, safe, and non-toxic.
      • Curated curriculum and accompanying resources and materials options should also include 
      • specific options addressing particular learning or instruction areas, such as STEM.
      • These curriculum options may be included in the application materials for providers to select from.
      • The offeror will provide limited technical assistance to eligible participants. 

    Submission Requirements

    The quote shall address the areas listed below in the order given. The responses provided will be the basis for evaluation of the offeror.

    Firm Experience & Qualifications

    • Knowledge and competency in early childhood curriculum and the effective implementation of curriculum in classroom environments. 
    • Experience with determining developmentally-, linguistically-, and culturally-appropriate curriculum and resource options for early learning and care settings.
    • Experience managing subcontractors.
    • Experience providing technical support to child care businesses.
    • Experience managing or participating in large, federally funded projects.
    • Staff leadership to support the successful project implementation.
    • Experience managing large, federally funded projects. 
    • Include total annual billings for each of the past five (5) fiscal years.
    • Include audited or reviewed financial statements for the last two (2) fiscal years.
    • Staff leadership to support the successful project implementation. 
    • Program Administration and Implementation

      Timeline, Milestones, and Approach

      • Provide a clear project plan with all key tasks and milestones to carry out the initiative
      • Describe any subcontracts to be utilized in carrying out the initiative. 
      • Describe the approach to outreach and enrollment of eligible participants
      • Describe the approach to distribution of materials
      • Describe the approach to consultation and technical assistance for eligible participants.

      Curriculum and Materials Options

        • Describe any known details about the curriculum and materials to be provided to child care operations and households.
        • Provide a description of and details on curriculum and materials by age group and by setting, as appropriate
        • Provide a description of any supplemental curriculum and materials, as appropriate.
        • Provide a description of language accessibility and language options offered to eligible participants 
        • Provide any available assurances and documentation that materials are high-quality, safe, and non-toxic. 
        • Provide any available assurance and documentation that curricula are aligned to the Texas Prekindergarten Early Learning Guidelines and the Texas Infant, Toddler, and Three-Year-Old Early Learning Guidelines. 
        • Describe the evidence-base or provide any known information about the quality and effectiveness about the curriculum and materials to be provided.


      • Describe the evidence-base or provide any known information about the quality and effectiveness about the curriculum -As part of submission requirements, the offeror will produce a budget including personnel and administrative costs necessary to complete the work.
      • Offerors are permitted to shift funds among categories or propose new budget categories to accommodate the offerors’ quote. When proposing to shift funds, the offeror should be mindful that Harris County is aiming to reach X child care centers and X families through this initiative.

        CHILDREN AT RISK (C@R) seeks an Offeror to develop and implement a training and coaching initiative aimed at enhancing the skills and knowledge of child care providers and community members. The initiative will focus on child development, responsive caregiving, inclusivity, cultural competency, and parent engagement. It targets both regulated child care businesses and community members in designated zip codes within Harris County. This program is funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), and all work must be completed by August 2026.


        Issuance Date: November 18, 2024
        Submission Deadline: December 18, 2024
        Point of Contact: ELQNprocurement@childrenatrisk.org 


        Information contained on this page is a summary of the details included in the full RFP documents. All interested parties are encouraged to download the PDF using the link above to access all details related to this RFP.

        Request for Proposals/Quotes Timeline

        All times are in Central Standard Time (CST)

        Release of RFP & Outreach November 18, 2024
        Pre-proposal Conference (Virtual)

        December 3, 2024 at 1pm.Register to receive credentials to attend the Proposal Conference by sending email to ELQNprocurement@childrenatrisk.org by 4pm on December 2, 2024. View the recording here.

        Questions Submission Deadline Submit questions to ELQNprocurement@childrenatrisk.org by 4pm on December 6, 2024.
        Application Submission Deadline All proposal documents must be submitted by 4pm on December 18, 2024 to ELQNprocurement@childrenatrisk.org.  
        Expected Award Notification January 22, 2025 

        This timetable may be modified based on the number of proposals received and extent of evaluation, presentation, requests for best and final offers and negotiation timeframes. 


        Proposal Deadline

        • Proposals must be electronically submitted to the C@R via email to ELQNprocurement@childrenatrisk.org on or before 4pm on December 18, 2024. Please make sure to include in the subject line: ELQN-Training & Professional Development Services.

        Pre-Proposal Conference 

        • Attendance at the Pre-Proposal Conference is not mandatory; however, Offerors are strongly encouraged to attend to discuss the requirements of the RFP and identify any common questions. Persons with disabilities requiring special/reasonable accommodations should contact ELQNprocurement@childrenatrisk.org at least two (2) days prior to the Pre-Proposal Conference.  
        • The Pre-proposal Conference will be held at 1pm on December 3, 2024 via Microsoft Teams. Should you wish to attend, you must RSVP to ELQNprocurement@childrenatrisk.org by 4pm on December 2, 2024. Upon successful registration, you will be provided with the virtual conference details in order to access the meeting. 
        • Regardless of whether or not Offerors attend the Pre-Proposal Conference, Offerors are responsible for fully acquainting themselves with the instructions, mandatory requirements, and standard terms and conditions set out in this RFP. It is the responsibility of each Offeror to fully understand the difficulties and restrictions which may impact the cost or effort required to provide the Services. 


          • It is the responsibility of each Offeror to examine the entire RFP package, seek clarification in writing, and review Proposal for accuracy before submitting.  
          • During the period between issuance of this RFP and the Proposals due date, no oral interpretation of the RFP’s requirements will be provided to any prospective Offeror. Requests for interpretation (and other questions) must be made in writing via email to ELQNprocurement@childrenatrisk.org by 4pm on December 6, 2024. 


          • Prior to the Proposal deadline, C@R may wish to amend, add to, or delete from the contents of this RFP. C@R may also issue clarifications resulting from questions submitted. In such situations, C@R shall issue an Addendum to the RFP setting forth the nature of the modification. Once an Addendum is issued, it will be uploaded to the C@R Funding Opportunities webpage (childrenatrisk.org/elqn/rfp), and all Offerors who have downloaded the RFP will be notified via email that an Addendum is ready to be accessed.  

              Scope of Services | General Information

              • Offeror shall perform the Scope of Services to the extent necessary (a) for the proper execution and completion of the Services under the Contract; (b) to supervise and direct the Services in a safe manner and perform all Services in accordance with the Contract, Applicable Law, Applicable Permits and Industry Standards; and (c) in conformance with the Contract Documents and the Requirements and such that the Services are in compliance with the Contract, Industry Standards, Applicable Codes, Applicable Laws and Applicable Permits.  
              • Offeror is responsible for identifying, coordinating, and conforming scope, requirements, and recommendations of assigned project(s) to meet legal and regulatory parameters/constraints, codes and applicable requirements set forth by agencies, including, but not limited to the State of Texas and any other local codes or agencies as they may apply.   
              • Offeror shall demonstrate the ability to provide all the services defined in this RFP. Successful Offeror awarded a Contract shall be responsible for identifying, preparing, and obtaining all documentation, coordination, plans, reports, forms, and any other necessary documentation pertaining to any assigned work required by Local, State, and Federal Agencies, Departments, Boards, and Commissions. Offeror awarded a Contract shall be responsible for supplying necessary reports, studies, and/or documentation (if applicable) to the agencies as required and provide responses to their comments, as necessary. 
              • Offeror will provide all personnel, materials, equipment, facilities, travel, and administrative oversight necessary to successfully execute the program. 
              • While it is not required for the offeror to be headquartered or have offices in the Houston region, the offeror must have the capability to provide on-site services as needed to fulfill the requirements outlined in the scope of work.

              Service Line 1: Community-Based Training

              Target Population:

              • Community members (parents/guardians of children ages 0-8 and informal caregivers) residing or working in designated Harris County zip codes, at or below 85% of the State Median Income (SMI).
              • Informal caregivers are defined as those who provide care for children ages 0-8 for a minimum of 10 hours a week. 

              Key Tasks:

              • The Offeror will design and execute an application and enrollment process that verifies residency and household income. 
              • The application should minimize the risk for duplication of benefit.
              • The application should include a self-attestation section for informal caregivers.
              • The Offeror will design and execute a series of 4 training modules.
              • Training modules will cover the following subjects: 
              • Child development (physical, cognitive, social-emotional, and language domains).
              • Responsive caregiving/high-quality adult-child interactions.
              • Training modules will last approximately 1 hour in length, totaling 4 hours.
              • Training modules are to be in-person and conducted on weekends or after 5:00 PM on weekdays.
              • The Offeror will create a makeup session protocol.
              • The Offeror is responsible for ensuring participants will be paid a stipend of $50/hr (totaling $200) for attendance and participation, which will be received upon completion of all modules.
              • The Offeror will curate/procure and distribute high-quality early learning materials such as early learning guidelines, children’s books, and other materials to accompany the training modules.
              • Distributed materials should value approximately $200 per participant.
              • The Offeror will design and execute a system to track attendance and distribution of materials and stipends.
              • The Offeror will design and implement a pre/post measurement of learning for participants.

              Service Line 2: Provider Training and Coaching

              Target Population: 

              • Child care workers at child care centers and child care homes participating in the Child Care Services (CCS) program in designated zip codes.

              Key Tasks:

              • The Offeror will design and execute an application and enrollment process that verifies business location.
              • The application should minimize the risk for duplication of benefit.
              • The Offeror will solicit and receive applications for participation from regulated child care businesses (centers and homes).
              • The application will require specification of the staff designated to participate in the training and coaching. 
              • The Offeror will design prioritization criteria for participation.
              • The Offeror will develop and deliver training modules for child care workers.
              • Training modules may be in-person, online, or hybrid.
              • The Offeror will create a makeup session protocol. 
              • The subject and duration of each module is detailed below:
              • Inclusive practices (8 hours)
              • Cultural competency (2 hours)
              • Parent engagement (2 hours)
              • The Offeror is responsible for ensuring participating child care workers will receive $50/hr in stipends for a total of $600 per participant, which will be received upon completion of all modules.
              • The Offeror is responsible for ensuring participating child care workers will receive take-home materials such as workbooks and learning materials valued at approximately $50. 
              • The Offeror will develop and execute an on-site coaching model for participating centers and the child care worker.
              • The Offeror will provide 4-5 on-site coaching sessions per child care worker with a 1:50 mentor-to-worker ratio.
              • The Offeror will curate and distribute to each participating center $400 in classroom materials related to the training modules.
              • The Offeror will design and execute a system to track attendance, coaching sessions, and distribution of materials and stipends that minimizes risk for fraud.
              • The Offeror will design and implement a pre/post measurement of learning for participants and coaching participation.

              Additional Program Requirements

              For both service lines, the Offeror will:

              The Offeror will provide appropriate staffing and oversight to ensure success of the initiative.

              • Establish a leadership team and staffing structure.  
              • Ensure staffing, policies, and procedures to oversee the program, monitor compliance with federal ARPA funding. 
              • Establish appropriate program and project management procedures to ensure timely delivery of high-quality programming. 

              The Offeror will partner with C@R and Harris County to determine program outcomes, including Key Performance Indicators for the program.  

              The Offeror will track, store, and report relevant data and documentation, including participant demographics, and share data with C@R, Harris County, and other stakeholders.

              The Offeror will Consult with C@R, Harris County, and other specified stakeholders to design and implement outreach efforts, ensuring equitable participation and language accessibility, particularly in regard to English, Spanish, and Vietnamese. 


              Content of the Proposal 

              The Proposal shall address the areas listed below in the order given. The responses provided will be the basis for evaluation of the Offeror. The Proposal must include firm experience and qualifications, capacity and resources, organization and project methodology, as well as any other information that the Offeror feels appropriate to include in its Proposal. 

              Firm Experience & Qualifications

              • Knowledge and competency in child care systems and quality. 
              • Knowledge and competency in training and coaching child care workers. 
              • Knowledge and competency in training parents, guardians, and other non-professional caregivers on topics relating to early care and development.
              • Demonstrate capability of complying with federal reporting requirements.
              • Presents a project team with sufficient experience and availability to complete proposed work.

              Firm Capacity & Resources

              • Provide context and background on effectiveness and longevity of the Offeror’s related program(s). Include information on the effectiveness, quality, and evidence-base of the program, curriculum, and/or coaching model. 
              • Experience managing large, federally funded projects. 
              • Include total annual billings for each of the past five (5) fiscal years.
              • Include audited or reviewed financial statements for the last two (2) fiscal years.
              • Staff leadership to support the successful project implementation. 
              • Include trainer and coach resumes

                Organization & Project Methodology

                • Facilitate and support incentivized, high-quality child care workforce training and coaching.
                • Include a description of the approach to each module and any known information about the content that will be provided.
                • Include a description of the materials to be provided.
                • Include a description of the coaching model and techniques to be deployed
                • Include a description of the timeline and major milestones associated with delivering the high-quality child care workforce training and coaching.
                • Facilitate and support incentivized, high-quality training to non-professional caregivers in important subjects in early care and development.
                • Include a description of the approach to each module and any known information about the content that will be provided.
                • Include a description of the materials to be provided.
                • Include a description of the timeline and major milestones associated with delivering the high-quality training to caregivers and parents.

                CHILDREN AT RISK (Children at Risk) seeks a vendor to develop, implement, and administer a child care assistance program and funds for families with children aged 0-8 who are experiencing temporary financial hardship, emergency situations, or are on the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) Child Care Services (CCS) waitlist. This program is funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), with services required to be completed by August 2026.


                Issuance Date: January 17, 2025
                Submission Deadline: February 19, 2025
                Point of Contact: ELQNprocurement@childrenatrisk.org 


                Information contained on this page is a summary of the details included in the full RFP documents. All interested parties are encouraged to download the PDF using the link above to access all details related to this RFP.

                Request for Proposals/Quotes Timeline

                All times are in Central Standard Time (CST)

                Release of RFP & Outreach January 17, 2025
                Pre-proposal Conference (Virtual) January 30, 2025 at 1pm.Register to receive credentials to attend the Pre-Proposal Conference by sending an email to ELQNprocurement@childrenatrisk.org by 4pm on January 29, 2025.
                Questions Submission Deadline Submit questions to ELQNprocurement@childrenatrisk.org  by 4pm on February 5, 2025.
                Application Submission Deadline All proposal documents must be submitted by 4pm on February 19, 2025 to ELQNprocurement@childrenatrisk.org Make sure to include in the subject line: ELQN – Emergency and Temporary Care. No late or incomplete proposals will be considered
                Expected Award Notification March 10, 2025 

                This timetable may be modified based on the number of proposals received and extent of evaluation, presentation, requests for best and final offers and negotiation timeframes.

                Pre-Proposal Conference

                • Attendance at the Pre-Proposal Conference is not mandatory; however, Offerors are strongly encouraged to attend to discuss the requirements of the RFP and identify any common questions. Persons with disabilities requiring special/reasonable accommodations should contact ELQNprocurement@childrenatrisk.org at least two (2) days prior to the Pre-Proposal Conference.  
                • The Pre-proposal Conference will be held at 1pm on January 30, 2025. Should you wish to attend, you must RSVP to ELQNprocurement@childrenatrisk.org by 4pm on January 29, 2025. Upon successful registration, you will be provided with the virtual conference details in order to access the meeting. 
                • Regardless of whether or not Offerors attend the Pre-Proposal Conference, Offerors are responsible for fully acquainting themselves with the instructions, mandatory requirements, and standard terms and conditions set out in this RFP. It is the responsibility of each Offeror to fully understand the difficulties and restrictions which may impact the cost or effort required to provide the Services. 
                1. Questions
                • It is the responsibility of each Offeror to examine the entire RFP package, seek clarification in writing, and review Proposal for accuracy before submitting.  
                • During the period between issuance of this RFP and the Proposals due date, no oral interpretation of the RFP’s requirements will be provided to any prospective Offeror. Requests for interpretation (and other questions) must be made in writing via email to ELQNprocurement@childrenatrisk.org by 4pm on February 5, 2025. 
                1. Addenda
                • Prior to the Proposal deadline, Children at Risk may wish to amend, add to, or delete from the contents of this RFP. Children at Risk may also issue clarifications resulting from questions submitted. In such situations, Children at Risk shall issue an Addendum to the RFP setting forth the nature of the modification. Once an Addendum is issued, it will be uploaded to the Children at Risk Funding Opportunities webpage (https://childrenatrisk.org/elqn/rfp/), and all Offerors who have downloaded the RFP and completed the online contact form, will be notified via email that an Addendum is ready to be accessed.  
                1. Proposal Deadline
                • Proposals must be electronically submitted to the Children at Risk via email to ELQNprocurement@childrenatrisk.org  on or before 4pm on February 19, 2025. Please make sure to include in the subject line: ELQN-Emergency and Temporary Care Program.
                FACILITY, SAFETY, & SECURITY

                CHILDREN AT RISK (C@R) seeks a vendor to enhance early learning environments in child care settings by providing developmentally appropriate indoor and outdoor materials and equipment, addressing the safety needs of facilities, and improving the security of facilities. This initiative will target child care operations in specific zip codes within Harris County, focusing on centers serving children aged 0-8 and participating in the Child Care Services (CCS) program. This initiative is funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), and all work must be completed by August 2026.


                Issuance Date: January 31, 2025
                Submission Deadline: February 28, 2025
                Point of Contact: ELQNprocurement@childrenatrisk.org 


                Information contained on this page is a summary of the details included in the full RFP documents. All interested parties are encouraged to download the PDF using the link above to access all details related to this RFP. 


                Request for Proposals/Quotes Timeline

                All times are in Central Standard Time (CST)

                Release of RFP & Outreach January 31, 2025
                Preproposal Conference (Virtual)

                February 14, 2025 at 1pm.  Register to receive credentials to attend the Proposal Conference by sending email ELQNprocurements@childrenatrisk.org

                by 4pm on February 13, 2025.

                Questions Submission Deadline Submit questions ELQNprocurements@childrenatrisk.org by 4pm on February 21, 2025.
                Application Submission Deadline All proposal documents must be submitted by 4pm on February 28, 2025 ELQNprocurements@childrenatrisk.org. Make sure to include in the subject line: ELQN-Facility, Safety and Security Services. No late or incomplete proposals will be considered
                Expected Award Notification March 28, 2025


                This timetable may be modified based on the number of proposals received and extent of evaluation, presentation, requests for best and final offers and negotiation timeframes.

                Pre-Proposal Conference

                • Attendance at the Pre-Proposal Conference is not mandatory; however, Offerors are strongly encouraged to attend to discuss the requirements of the RFP and identify any common questions. Persons with disabilities requiring special/reasonable accommodations should contact ELQNprocurements@childrenatrisk.org at least two (2) days prior to the Pre-Proposal Conference.
                • The Pre-proposal Conference will be held at 1pm on February 14, 2025 via Microsoft Teams. Should you wish to attend, you must RSVP to ELQNprocurements@childrenatrisk.org by 4pm on February 13, 2025. Upon successful registration, you will be provided with the virtual conference details in order to access the meeting.
                • Regardless of whether or not Offerors attend the Pre-Proposal Conference, Offerors are responsible for fully acquainting themselves with the instructions, mandatory requirements, and standard terms and conditions set out in this RFP. It is the responsibility of each Offeror to fully understand the difficulties and restrictions which may impact the cost or effort required to provide the Services.


                • It is the responsibility of each Offeror to examine the entire RFP package, seek clarification in writing, and review Proposal for accuracy before submitting.
                • During the period between issuance of this RFP and the Proposals due date, no oral interpretation of the RFP’s requirements will be provided to any prospective Offeror. Requests for interpretation (and other questions) must be made in writing via email to ELQNprocurements@childrenatrisk.org by 4pm on February 21, 2025.


                • Prior to the Proposal deadline, C@R may wish to amend, add to, or delete from the contents of this RFP. C@R may also issue clarifications resulting from questions submitted. In such situations, C@R shall issue an Addendum to the RFP setting forth the nature of the modification. Once an Addendum is issued, it will be uploaded to the C@R Funding Opportunities webpage (www.elqn.com), and all Offerors who have downloaded the RFP will be notified via email that an Addendum is ready to be accessed.

                Proposal Deadline

                • Proposals must be electronically submitted to the C@R via email to ELQNprocurements@childrenatrisk.org on or before 4pm on February 28, 2025. Please make sure to include in the subject line: ELQN-Facility, Safety and Security Services.

                CHILDREN AT RISK (C@R) seeks a vendor to enhance early learning environments in child care settings by providing developmentally appropriate indoor and outdoor materials and equipment, addressing the safety needs of facilities, and improving the security of facilities. This initiative will target child care operations in specific zip codes within Harris County, focusing on centers serving children aged 0-8 and participating in the Child Care Services (CCS) program. This initiative is funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), and all work must be completed by August 2026.


                Issuance Date: January 31, 2025
                Submission Deadline: February 28, 2025
                Point of Contact: ELQNprocurement@childrenatrisk.org 


                Information contained on this page is a summary of the details included in the full RFP documents. All interested parties are encouraged to download the PDF using the link above to access all details related to this RFP.


                Request for Proposals/Quotes Timeline

                All times are in Central Standard Time (CST)

                Release of RFP & Outreach

                January 31, 2025

                Preproposal Conference (Virtual)

                February 14, 2025 at 1pm.  Register to receive credentials to attend the Proposal Conference by sending email ELQNprocurements@childrenatrisk.org

                by 4pm on February 13, 2025.

                Questions Submission Deadline

                Submit questions ELQNprocurements@childrenatrisk.org by 4pm on February 21, 2025.

                Application Submission Deadline

                All proposal documents must be submitted by 4pm on February 28, 2025 ELQNprocurements@childrenatrisk.org. Make sure to include in the subject line: ELQN-Technology for Centers. No late or incomplete proposals will be considered

                Expected Award Notification

                March 28, 2025


                This timetable may be modified based on the number of proposals received and extent of evaluation, presentation, requests for best and final offers and negotiation timeframes.

                Pre-Proposal Conference

                • Attendance at the Pre-Proposal Conference is not mandatory; however, Offerors are strongly encouraged to attend to discuss the requirements of the RFP and identify any common questions. Persons with disabilities requiring special/reasonable accommodations should contact ELQNprocurements@childrenatrisk.org at least two (2) days prior to the Pre-Proposal Conference.
                • The Pre-proposal Conference will be held at 1pm on February 14, 2025 via Microsoft Teams. Should you wish to attend, you must RSVP to ELQNprocurements@childrenatrisk.org by 4pm on February 13, 2025. Upon successful registration, you will be provided with the virtual conference details in order to access the meeting.
                • Regardless of whether or not Offerors attend the Pre-Proposal Conference, Offerors are responsible for fully acquainting themselves with the instructions, mandatory requirements, and standard terms and conditions set out in this RFP. It is the responsibility of each Offeror to fully understand the difficulties and restrictions which may impact the cost or effort required to provide the Services.


                • It is the responsibility of each Offeror to examine the entire RFP package, seek clarification in writing, and review Proposal for accuracy before submitting.
                • During the period between issuance of this RFP and the Proposals due date, no oral interpretation of the RFP’s requirements will be provided to any prospective Offeror. Requests for interpretation (and other questions) must be made in writing via email to ELQNprocurements@childrenatrisk.org by 4pm on February 21, 2025.


                • Prior to the Proposal deadline, C@R may wish to amend, add to, or delete from the contents of this RFP. C@R may also issue clarifications resulting from questions submitted. In such situations, C@R shall issue an Addendum to the RFP setting forth the nature of the modification. Once an Addendum is issued, it will be uploaded to the C@R Funding Opportunities webpage (www.elqn.com), and all Offerors who have downloaded the RFP will be notified via email that an Addendum is ready to be accessed.

                Proposal Deadline

                • Proposals must be electronically submitted to the C@R via email to ELQNprocurements@childrenatrisk.org on or before 4pm on February 28, 2025. Please make sure to include in the subject line: ELQN-Technology for Centers.


                PROJECT TIMELINES

                Request for Proposals (RFPS)

                Wave One Timelines

                Full Procurements

                • Training & Professional Development
                Release of RFP & Outreach November 18, 2024 | For more information on ELQN and the details of this RFP release, click here to watch the Virtual Q&A Webinar hosted on Monday, November 18, 2024.
                Preproposal Conference (Virtual)

                December 3, 2024 at 1pm.  Register to receive credentials to attend the Proposal Conference by sending email to ELQNprocurement@childrenatrisk.org by 4pm on December 2, 2024.

                View the recording here.

                Questions Submission Deadline Submit questions to ELQNprocurement@childrenatrisk.org by 4pm on December 6, 2024.
                Application Submission Deadline All proposal documents must be submitted by 4pm on December 18, 2024 to ELQNprocurement@childrenatrisk.org.
                Expected Award Notification January 22, 2025

                Small Purchases Included in Wave One

                • Curriculum Development and Implementation Services
                Release and Outreach November 18, 2024
                Application Submission Deadline All documents must be submitted by 4pm on December 13, 2024 to ELQNprocurement@childrenatrisk.org
                Expected Award Notification January 6, 2025 


                • Early Learning Kits and Materials
                Release and Outreach November 18, 2024
                Application Submission Deadline

                All documents must be submitted by 4pm on December 18, 2024 to ELQNprocurement@childrenatrisk.org

                CHILDREN AT RISK has issued Addendum #1 to the Early Learning Kits and Materials RFQ. It is accessible via this link. Make sure to follow directions included in the RFP as it relates to acknowledgement of any RFP Addenda.
                Expected Award Notification January 6, 2025 


                Wave Two Timelines

                Full Procurements

                • Emergency and Temporary Care RFP
                Release of RFP & Outreach
                January 17, 2025
                Preproposal Conference (Virtual)
                January 30, 2025. Register to receive credentials to attend the Proposal Conference by sending an email to ELQNprocurement@childrenatrisk.org by 4pm on January 29, 2025.
                Questions Submission Deadline
                Submit questions to ELQNprocurement@childrenatrisk.org by 4pm on February 5, 2025.
                Application Submission Deadline
                All proposal documents must be submitted by 4pm on February 19, 2025 to ELQNprocurement@childrenatrisk.org.
                Expected Award Notification
                March 10, 2025

                Wave Three Timelines

                Full Procurements

                • Facility, Safety and Security
                • Technology for Child Care Centers
                Release of RFP & Outreach
                January 31, 2025
                Preproposal Conference (Virtual)
                February 14, 2025.  Register to receive credentials to attend the Proposal Conference by sending an email to ELQNprocurement@childrenatrisk.org by 4pm on February 13, 2025.
                Questions Submission Deadline
                Submit questions to ELQNprocurement@childrenatrisk.org by 4pm on February 21, 2025.
                Application Submission Deadline
                All proposal documents must be submitted by 4pm on February 28, 2025 to ELQNprocurement@childrenatrisk.org.
                Expected Award Notification
                March 28, 2025

                Small Purchases

                • Technology for Households
                Release and Outreach January 31, 2025
                Application Submission Deadline All documents must be submitted by 4pm on February 28, 2025 to ELQNprocurement@childrenatrisk.org
                Expected Award Notification March 17, 2025 


                Logo for the Harris County Early Learning Quality Network featuring the text 'early learning QUALITY NETWORK' with 'QUALITY NETWORK' in bold orange letters. To the right is a stylized tree with six colorful leaves in purple, blue, green, and orange. Below, it lists partners: CHILDREN AT RISK, East Harris County Empowerment Council, Harris County Public Library, VN Teamwork, and YMCA of Greater Houston

                NETWORK PARTNERS

                The Early Learning Quality Network brings together the expertise of local leaders and trusted organizations:

                These organizations, each with their unique strengths, share our commitment to building a future where every child has access to high-quality early learning.

                Logo for Harris County Department of Economic Equity and Opportunity (DEEO), featuring stacked rectangular blocks in blue, green, and orange. The top text reads 'Harris County,' with 'DEEO' in bold orange letters below, followed by 'Department of Economic Equity and Opportunity' in mixed colors: 'of' and 'and' in blue, 'Economic Equity' in green, and 'Opportunity' in gray.
                Logo for Children at Risk with the word 'children' in black lowercase letters and 'at Risk' in bold red lowercase letters below it.
                Logo for East Harris County Empowerment Council featuring blue crescent-shaped lines forming a circular pattern on the left, intersected by an orange lightning bolt. The organization’s name, 'East Harris County Empowerment Council,' is displayed in bold blue text to the right of the symbol.
                Logo for Harris County Public Library with the words 'Harris County' in bold navy blue text above 'Public Library,' also in navy blue but with 'Library' in a thicker font.
                VN Teamwork logo in a circular design with a blue rope border. Inside, the words 'HIỆP LỰC' curve along the top and 'VN TEAMWORK' along the bottom. The center features a mountain with three trees in black, set against a yellow and red striped background representing a sunrise.
                YMCA logo featuring a large blue 'Y' shape with a smaller purple triangle in the top right. The word 'the' appears in blue to the left of the 'Y,' and 'YMCA' is written vertically in purple along the side.

                Background on Early Learning Quality Networks (ELQN) initiative 

                The Early Learning Quality Network (ELQN) is a $16.4M initiative funded by American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) dollars to improve early learning and care in Harris County. Launched in 2023, this pilot program aims to build on the unique experiences and strengths of five focal communities through community-led planning and funding, as well as strengthen the early childhood ecosystem to connect caregivers with essential resources. ELQN collaborates with families, child care providers, and community stakeholders to ensure more children benefit from high-quality early learning tailored to their unique needs.

                Equity Framework 

                In recognition of the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on Harris County’s residents and the exacerbation of long-standing inequities Black and Hispanic residents face, Harris County is committed to allocation ARPA Funds in initiatives that will support the long-term access to equitable resources and opportunities for all communities of Harris County. Commissioners Court has, as a result, adopted an Equity Framework by which the process of project selection, design, implementation, and evaluation will be guided. The Equity Framework will ensure that investments are made fairly, integrate input from communities most impacted by this project. 

                Harris County expects Offerors to design programs in line with the Harris County Equity Framework for Investments funded by the ARPA. For example, Offerors should reference the framework when speaking to how they shall prioritize applicants. The full equity framework can be found here.

                Submission Checklist (Full Requests for Proposals)

                • Cover Page: 1 Page
                • Firm Experience & Qualifications: 2 Pages
                • Firm Capacity & Resources: 3 Pages
                • Organization & Project Methodology: 5 Pages
                • Budget and Justification: 2 Pages


                • Proposal and Addenda Acknowledgements
                • Certification Regarding Lobbying
                • Conflict of Interest Questionnaire
                • Whistleblower Policy
                • Certification of Compliance with Federal Standards & Requirements
                • Audited or reviewed financial statements (last 2 fiscal years)
                • Organizational Budget
                • Subcontractor Listing Form
                • References
                • Minimum Insurance Requirements
                • Pre-award Risk Questionnaire


                Submission Checklist (Small Procurements)

                • Cover Page: 1 Page
                • Firm Experience & Qualifications: 2 Pages
                • Firm Capacity & Resources: 3 Pages
                • Organization & Project Methodology: 5 Pages
                • Budget and Justification: 2 Pages


                • Proposal and Addenda Acknowledgements
                • Certification Regarding Lobbying
                • Conflict of Interest Questionnaire
                • Audited or reviewed financial statements (last 2 fiscal years)
                • Organizational Budget
                • Subcontractor Listing Form (if applicable)
                • References
                • Minimum Insurance Requirements
                • Pre-award Risk Questionnaire

                Proposal Requirements

                Applicants must include the following in their proposal:

                1. Executive Summary – Brief overview of the proposed project.
                2. Project Description – Detailed explanation of the project, including objectives, target audience, and expected outcomes.
                3. Work Plan – Timeline and milestones for project completion.
                4. Budget – Comprehensive budget with justification for each expense.
                5. Qualifications – Information about your organization or team, including relevant experience and previous projects.
                6. Evaluation Metrics – Plan for assessing the impact and success of the project.

                Content of the Proposal 

                The Proposal shall address the areas listed below in the order given. The responses provided will be the basis for evaluation of the Offeror. The Proposal must include firm experience and qualifications, program administration and implementation, a complete budget alone with a budget justification, as well as any other information that the Offeror feels appropriate to include in its Proposal. 

                Firm Experience & Capacity

                • Knowledge and competency in solicitation subject matter.
                • Demonstrate capability of complying with federal reporting requirements.
                • Presents a project team with sufficient experience and availability to complete proposed work.
                • Experience managing large, federally funded projects. 

                  Program Administration & Implementation 

                  • Description and approach to developing and delivering services and/or products as per RFP specifications.


                  • Offerors must provide a budget necessary to complete the work, including both indirect costs (e.g., personnel and administrative costs).


                  • Include all requisite attachments in final RFP packet.

                  Service Areas

                  The Local Network Organizations (LNO) will be on the front lines of community engagement, convening local stakeholders to assess the state of child care quality in their
                  neighborhoods and develop a child care quality action plan tailored to the needs of each community. Each LNO will focus on neighborhoods classified as a high quality child care desert, across the specified zip codes:

                  • Harris County Public Library will serve the following zip codes: 77379, 77033, 77021, 77047, 77051, and 77048.
                  • YMCA of Greater Houston will serve the following zip codes: 77091, 77022, 77009, 77076, 77060, 77032, 77039 and 77037.
                  • East Harris County Empowerment Council will serve the following zip codes: 77015, 77029, 77044, 77049, 77530, 77532, 77547.
                  • VN Teamwork will serve the following zip codes: 77027, 77036, 77056, 77057, 77072, 77074 77081 and 77099.

                  Get Involved

                  Are you a provider, parent, or community member interested in supporting early childhood education? Join us in our mission to make a lasting impact across Harris County. Whether you’re looking to partner, volunteer, or learn more, we invite you to be a part of the change. Together, we can create a brighter future for our youngest learners.

                  Stay Connected
                  Follow @childrenatrisk on social media and subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated on our progress and learn more about how ELQN is making a difference in early learning across Harris County.


                  For any questions or additional information related to Harris County's Early Learning Quality Network (ELQN), please contact us at ELQNinfo@childrenatrisk.org. For questions specific to RFPs and RFQs listed on this page, please contact us at ELQNprocurement@childrenatrisk.org.