*Originally posted 02/11/2016


Show your heart for children this Valentine’s Day by making a gift to CHILDREN AT RISK in honor of your friends, colleagues, and loved ones! Candy and flowers are always nice, but making a commitment to lasting change in the lives of Texas children is a gift that keeps on giving for years to come. An excellent way to show loved ones you care is to make a gift in their name. This not only makes them feel special, but shares our message with the greater community.

When you make a gift, either online or through the mail, please include your list of names and addresses of those to be honored along with your donation. Our staff will prepare and mail cards on your behalf, indicating that a gift has been made in their honor that will improve the lives of thousands of children in communities across Texas.

What gift is more precious than the health and prosperity of a child? This Valentine’s Day let’s show kids they are loved and take one simple step towards creating happy, healthy, prosperous schools and homes for Texas children!

With love,


Please contact Development at 713.869.7740 with further questions.