Texas child care teachers care for an estimated 1 million babies, toddlers, preschoolers, and school-age children. Children birth through age three experience an incredible amount of brain growth which shapes their future learning, health, and behaviors. Child care teachers play a vital role in the brain-building that set children up to be school-ready.

In the recently released report, Early Childhood Apprenticeship Programs, CHILDREN AT RISK reviews how apprenticeship programs can create a pipeline of highly-qualified early childhood education teachers in Texas.

The report describes the challenges child care teachers face, how to use an apprenticeship program to solve issues in early childhood education, and recommendations for state and local action.

If you are interested in creating an early childhood apprenticeship program in Texas, please contact Ali Schoon at aschoon@childrenatrisk.org or (713) 869-7740.


Want more information regarding quality child care in Texas?

Check out CHILDREN AT RISK’s resource documents on child care subsidy and policy!